Digestion North to South: 5 digestive health upgrades

You are what you eat AND what you digest and absorb. If digestion is a complete mystery to you or you experience digestive issues this quick summary of digestion from north to south is for you. I’ll focus on the practical information you need to know to improve your digestive health. You’ll walk away knowing a handful of quick upgrades that you can implement immediately, today, at your next meal.


Hello and welcome to Aeon Nutrition Kitchen.

A podcast for optimising healthspan in the kitchen.

I’m your host and certified Functional Nutritionist, Melina Hamilton Lynch, and I’ll be answering your most frequently asked questions with bite-sized practical advice.

My mission is to close the food knowledge gap from plan to plate so keep listening out for the next juicy topic.

This is functional nutrition designed for a healthier future you.


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*All information provided by Aeon Nutrition is intended to be of a general nature only and is included for the sole purpose of providing general information. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision and you should consult a health-care professional to address any health concerns specific to you, particularly before making changes to your diet, lifestyle, medication or supplementation. See https://www.aeonfunctionalnutrition.com/terms for more information.